Online Women's Bodies Healing Circle - by donation


Our Circle are by donation and meets 3rd SATURDAY of each month. We start at 9am PST | 12noon EST and will be together for up to 90 minutes. By donation of any amount.

and i said to my body. softly. ‘i want to be your friend.’ it took a long breath. and replied ‘i have been waiting my whole life for this.’

- Nayyirah Waheed

For many of us women across the planet, our bodies have become objectified to varying degrees and by many means. Consequently, we experience our bodies as a sources of danger, shame and “otherness”. This has led us to either disconnect from our bodies or manipulate it to conform to someone else's wants and needs. In the process, we have been cut off from a great source of wisdom, joy and healing powers we are born with. The cost of this severing continues to hurt women, society and our planet.

But we can do something about this right now. We can begin healing our relationship with our bodies, for ourselves, for one another, for all future generations and for our planet.

Our Embodied Healing Circles are a space for our bodies to be seen and heard in the ways that feel good, in the ways that bring healing. Through these circles we cultivate trust and connection with ourselves and with one another. This is a nourishing embodied practice, where we will move and experience our bodies while also exercising deep listening and witnessing. It’s a space where we connect with other women who are experiencing similar challenges, feelings and emotions. Where we can speak truth from our heart without judgment. Our agreements ensure acceptance and confidentiality. We honor our own unique paths to healing and respect the choices of others.

The world is missing out on us. Let's start showing up in our fullness.


This is a Circle for women identifying persons.

By donation.

Our Circle meets 3rd Saturday of each month for up to 90 minutes.

Space is limited to 10 attendees. If you register but aren't able to attend, please cancel your registration ahead of time so we can make room for others.

Advanced Registration on Zoom is required to ensure safety.

This Healing Circle is an offering from Honey in the Temple - a series of virtual and in-person workshops and gatherings, where we explore our inherent goodness by waking up to the joy, wisdom and playfulness of our bodies. To learn more, please visit us at



*By donating you are signing up to Honey in the Temple mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Online Women's Bodies Healing Circle - by donation image

About Ladan Yalzadeh - Ladan is the Founder and teacher at Honey in the Temple and is a trained Healing Circle Facilitator. Ladan has brought together many aspects of her 15+ years of meditation , somatic practice, Buddhist studies to form Honey in the Temple . Ladan’s inspiration in creating Honey in the Temple is to share with others the joy and liberation she has discovered in her pursuit of what lays beyond suffering and pain. She brings her own flavor and alchemy to create a playful, warm and nurturing environment where everyone is invited and encouraged to find their innate wisdom and joy by reconnecting with themselves and their world. In addition to being a mindfulness teacher and embodiment practitioner, Ladan holds an MFA in Creative Practices from Plymouth University in the UK.

At Honey in the Temple, our work is founded on the idea that to be of help to others and our world, we must begin by helping ourselves.

Through our workshops and gatherings, Honey in the Temple offers science-backed mindfulness and movement teachings that support letting go of unhelpful patterns and stepping into our wholeness.

You can also sign up for our newsletters and receive a free guided visualization on How to Start an Awareness of the Body mindfulness practice.

For more information please visit us at