Online Yoga for All Levels


Online Yoga for All Levels:

Inviting you to join an hour long Yoga session to de-stress and reconnect with your body, breath, and mind.

Yoga not only improves your flexibility, strength, and health but also deepens your self-awareness and centeredness - in a non-judgmental atmosphere where you can find your own edge-of stretching without pain or a sense of internal/external competition.

While Yoga is often associated with just physical exercises, the ancient texts define it as much more: as the union between the body, breath, and mind. Drawing from this definition and the traditional roots of Yoga, it was developed to help you achieve that union. In this session, you will experience all aspects of a holistic yoga practice, including traditional asanas (postures), simple pranayamas (breathing techniques), guided meditation, and the knowledge of yoga.

Please connect via the provided Zoom link at least 5 minutes before to get settled in.