Opening Night & Artist Discussion! Art/Act: Local—This Land


Join us at the David Brower Center for a DJ-backed evening of provocative discussion with our 4 jury-selected artists. Alicia Escott, Dominick Porras, Nicole Irene Anderson, and Sherry Xiang reveal new insights into their inspirations and processes. Author of the call and founder of Latino Outdoors, José González, will be moderating.

From large scale vertical landscapes to digital petroglpyhs to live plants that sing and model sculptural communities, Art/Act: Local "This Land" will expand your understanding of what our intrinsic connections to the land entails—from the ecological to the sacred.

DJ Kumiho weaves her otherworldly soundscapes among the scapes before and after, combining innovative sonic textures with hip hop or house rhythms.

6-7p Exhibit Opens, DJ & wine

7-8p Artist Panel Discussion inside Goldman Theatre (recorded)

8-8:30 Exhibit remains open for more mingling and networking

Art/Act: Local is the midyear exhibition of our annual artist lifecycle series beginning with Art/Act: Youth and ending the year with Art/Act: Award. Our objective is to nurture meaningful relationships with a juried selection of Northern California emerging and mid-career artists grappling with 2022's theme:

What does it mean to be connected to the land that holds us and life on this planet, along with the imperative to protect it?

COVID SAFETY UPDATE: When indoors, masks and full vaccinations are required for this event—except when actively drinking (medical/disability exemptions ok). The outdoor terrace will be open for more relaxed drinking and mingling as well.

Opening Night & Artist Discussion! Art/Act: Local—This Land image
Opening Night & Artist Discussion! Art/Act: Local—This Land image