Outdoor Headphone Yoga at Goodwood Museum & Gardens


*visit @radiant_headphone_yoga on Instagram for our most recent info!

Join us to experience yoga in whole new way! Headphone yoga is an immersive practice that allows you to easily drop into your practice. We use wireless headphones so everyone can enjoy the music, hear the instructors, spread out, and enjoy being together outdoors. All levels welcome but a basic understanding of yoga shapes is useful as we flow through a lot of movement in this vinyasa class! We can’t wait to tune in and flow out with you! Headphones provided.

* Class is limited to 23. Headphones are cleaned regularly.

*In the event of rain we will post updates on our Instagram page @radiant_headphone_yoga

*A waiver will be sent to the email you provide. Please sign before class!

Outdoor Headphone Yoga at Goodwood Museum & Gardens image