Parks and Rec Trivia at Guac y Margys


Eagletonians beware!! The Pawneeians are coming out in force to quiz over our favorite, gripping government comedy. This is LITERALLY gonna be the biggest and bestest trivia night yet!! Treat'yo'self to a Waffle Mondae that'd make Leslie proud, and sit your Wyatt-tight booty down for some head-scratchers!! No Tammy 2 types allowed.

A ticket reserves your seat and gets you 2 tacos and 1 Margarita! We are selling a limited number of early bird tickets so grab one (or 6) while they're still available.

Teams of 1-6 welcome, 21+ only

Signups begin at 6:30 and trivia starts at 7:00.

Tag your friends, spread the word, start thinking of those team names and get your tickets!