Permanent Color Balayage - Morristown NJ


Get ready to expand your Lived in Balayage techniques & master the use of Permanent color as your toner! Set your self apart from all the other stylists you work with or in your area!

Class Starts at 10AM - I will start the model right away, so be early!

12 -1 : While the model processes - we will discuss Ph Scale to have a full understanding of using permanent color as a toner, I will go over my camera I use and all the settings a pro camera has to offer. we will go over social media and what apps to use to edit your pictures.

Lunch will arrive at 1 when we are done eating... people who booked hands on ( limited seating) will set up. those that just did watch and learn can watch me style the model.

photos around 3/3:30. !!

Are you ready!!