Piña: The Enduring Philippine Fabric


This exhibit, an installation of The Hinabi project, provides an introduction to the history and production of piña fabric, a unique, translucent, handmade material woven from pineapple leaf fibers.

Register for a tour (Tour starts on the hour and will last approximately 30-45 minutes) on available days. Please schedule at least 2-days ahead of your intended visit and chose the day. Email contact@thehinabiproject.org to reserve the hour 1pm-4pm) of your intended visit. Due to staffing limitations, " Day-of/Drop-in " scheduling is not yet available. Follow Visitor instructions below:

  1. After scheduling a date, please email: contact@thehinabiproject.org for your preferred visit hour (e.g. 1pm -5pm. We may email you as well.
  2. On arrival, proceed to 814 Mission St. entry (glass door "The Bulletin")
  3. With the security door buzzer on your right select and press SF Filipino Cultural Center (1) buzzer. If no one responds within 3-5 mins, send txt or call: (650)-407-0665
  4. Enter and take the elevator to M (mezzanine) to arrive at the Center. Masks are recommended, specially if an earlier group is on tour. Thank you for your patience.