Pint-and-Paint Those Funky Chickens! (21+)


Join us at Tri-Cities Cider House for some lighthearted painting fun as we use acrylic paints and easy strokes to paint some funky chickens. We'll walk you through step by step as we use different layering and blending techniques to bring out the personalities of our chickens.

Remember, those attending paint class will also receive their first pint of cider for only $5!

We'd like to dedicate our paint classes this month to a dear late friend Becky Ferguson-Brice. Becky was the owner of Wet Pallette Paint Parties and she was well known in the community for her beautiful, bright spirit. To honor her memory and do what we can to help her family, we're pledging half of our August art class earnings to her daughters' education funds. Thank you for helping us make this a possibility.