Pistol Fundamentals - WEBinar Online Event (CWFL / CCW)


Conveniently learn online in the comfort of your own home, at work, or wherever your mobile devices take you! Students will learn rules for safe gun handling, pistol components and operation, ammunition, shooting fundamentals, how to properly load/unload a gun, varied stationary shooting positions, and more!

Students fire approximately 30 rounds at 15 feet and are taught how to consistently hit the target. This is the gun handling course one must have to build required self-defense skills on. We limit class size to enhance your experience and ensure we have enough materials, ammunition, equipment on hand.

TICKETS MUST BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE! Class registration closes 48 hours prior to class. Simply click on the ticket link to secure your seat in class now! Once your seat has been purchased you will receive an email with webinar access directions, and a digital student packet for class. Please logon 15 minutes early to be sure technology is up and running on student's side of the camera! Video participation is required for this class.

Students receive a course completion certificate valid for their CWFL application. ALL W2TF shooting courses qualify the student to apply for a Florida Concealed Weapons License (CWFL).