Pittsburgh Steelers Gameday in New Orleans - American Sports Saloon


It's time to get on your team gear and make some noise with us. Make your reservations early. We can usually add 1 or 2 seats to most tables, so please indicate if you need an extra seat.

Reservation check in required 15 mins before kickoff, and reservations are released at kickoff for anyone that has not checked in. Please note, for afternoon games, table may not be ready at kickoff depending on early game and time for sanitary clean up.

Game is featured with sound in one of three rooms at the American Sports Saloon inside, so be sure to mention the game you're interested in watching. Balcony and outside tables also feature game sound.

Covid requirements change with the wind, so whatever they are, we'll be doing them.

Online Reservations stop 6 hours in advance of game start. Reservations within 6 hours of start time taken at door.

Pittsburgh Steelers Gameday in New Orleans - American Sports Saloon image
Pittsburgh Steelers Gameday in New Orleans - American Sports Saloon image
Pittsburgh Steelers Gameday in New Orleans - American Sports Saloon image