Play Break: A Space To Expand Your Creative Spirit


The goal of this 30-minute weekly session is to create space for play in your week. This is where you come to try new things and discover new facets of yourself. Think of it as a play gym for your creativity!

Each week, the group will be guided in different creative exercises from dancing to doodling with the goal of going outside our comfort zone in the spirit of exploration.

No good, no bad, just play. This is a noncompetitive environment all about experimentation!

Why join? Here are a few reasons:

—You want a creative shake up

—You want to develop more creative confidence

—You feel stuck and you want help feeling unstuck

—You're looking to explore your creativity but signing up for a 6-week class is too big a commitment

—You're looking to find a new passion

—You struggle with perfectionism or overthinking

—You want to build creative community with people who support your process

This is your chance to get out of your comfort zone and shake up your creativity in an environment where you will be encouraged and celebrated just for showing up.


**please note that you do not have to be "good" at any of these things to join the class -- the whole point is EXPLORING new things without the pressure of being "good"

September 7: We are STORYTELLING to Build Connection

September 14: We are DANCING to Spark Joy

September 21: We are DRAWING to Channel Peace

September 28: We are WORD PLAYING to See Possibility

Consider joining a single session or signing up for the whole series as a deeper dive into your creativity

*We also do private workshops for groups and teams. Email if interested