Ple@sure for the People Pleaser Masterclass


Being a "people pleaser" it one of the hardest unhealthy habits to break. And it is unhealthy. It keeps us from asking for promotions, being walked over and taken advantage of in relationships by overt narcissists, feeling frustrated we aren't getting what we want in the bedroom and even fulfilling our dream and dream life! Whether it be conscious or subconscious, we blame other people, our past, and everything outside of ourselves when the power lies from within and the changes we decide to make.

But it's hard.

Because we have been praised and conditioned since childhood to be the "good little boys and girls" and reprimanded for being "bad," not really understanding what that means. When we ask for what we want, we might have been told that we are greedy or selfish. We are burdened with guilt and shame. We end up spending our whole lives not living out our truth, or living our lives for ourselves for fear that it means we don't care about others. Where the "rebel" children get to break free from these bonds so easily, its deeply embedded within us and incredibly hard to break.

This isn't true.

None of it is.

In this Masterclass I will be speaking more into these wound as well giving you ways to actually know, trust and EMBODY these desires with an open heart. Masterclass comes with a PDF of a Self Pleasure Practice to practice this technique long after the class is finished.