Polymer Bargello Cuff Demo with Barbara McGuire 10/7 7:00 at Mars Landing


If color is your thing........you will love the magic of polymer blends and Bargello embroidery techniques. This surface design is adapted from historic needlepoint patterns. Barbara's demonstration will conclude with making a cuff bracelet, however the surface design can be applied to both jewelry and home decor. Registered guests receive a free gift.

The event is held at Mars Landing Galleries Workshop location during downtown First Fridays and the whole town is hopping 5-8pm! Live music and special offers by many of the local businesses. The quaint town of Mars Hill is located in the Appalachian mountains just 20 minutes north of Asheville, NC. Demo begins at 7:00pm and is approximately 30 minutes.

Barbara McGuire is an artist, author and teacher working primarily in the art of polymer clay. She teaches private and small group classes at Mars Landing Galleries Studio #3.

Polymer Bargello Cuff Demo with Barbara McGuire  10/7 7:00 at Mars Landing image
Polymer Bargello Cuff Demo with Barbara McGuire  10/7 7:00 at Mars Landing image