
Whether you are newly postpartum or have been for 5+years and still don't quite feel like yourself, this workshop will give you the tools and support you need to help you get started on your fitness journey.

You will learn about common postpartum dysfunctions, movement considerations and breathing strategies. You will also complete a movement assessment and practice performing fundamental movement patterns and exercises.

Coach Cara is a pregnancy and postpartum exercise professional with a number of educational degrees, certifications and years of experience helping women navigate their fitness during the pregnant and postpartum chapters of their lives.

Let Cara help you take the guesswork out of postpartum fitness!

"It’s never easy to see your body change and feel like your abilities are slipping away uncontrollably, but Cara keeps the long view and really helped me do the same. Her knowledge of breathing, proper lifting technique, and correct/allowable core muscle use has been invaluable."


"After giving birth to my second child it wasn’t too long after that I realized that my “bounce back“ was taking a lot longer than it had with my first. I had all these different feelings and views toward my body and every aspect of my life than I did with my first baby and I honestly felt like I was losing myself and disappearing...Cara is such a phenomenal coach and has helped me in so many ways! She helped me set goals, cheered me on on rough days and worked with me to achieve them. She showed me that I can do hard things and that my body is a lot stronger than I thought it was...I’m grateful to Cara for giving me a part of my life back that I thought I’d lost."


"After having my daughter, I decided to complete a postpartum program with [Cara]. She paid close attention to what my body needed/could do and took the time to make the necessary adjustments to my training. Since completing the program, Cara has helped me gain my strength back and has also helped significantly decrease my lower back pain."
