Practica Chiquita - Argentine Tango Social


Once you have the basics of Argentine Tango down, it’s time to work on developing your skills. Our tango practice sessions do just that.

Practica Chiquita is guided, which means there are instructors present who will advise you on what to practice and how to practice.

Although the Tango Codigos are respected it is also OK to simply ask for practice time or approach someone to simply ask questions about technique, steps, musicality, navigation, and codes.



Please note that Practica Chiquita is held at KADENSE Dance Studio: 346 West Cummings Park Woburn, MA 01801. Plenty of FREE parking is available right in from of the building.

PLEASE NOTE that a COVID vaccination card is required to register for any course.


Overcome Challenges

Practicing Argentine Tango under favorable circumstances will help you overcome certain challenges. With an instructor present, they can watch your dance and then pinpoint certain things that might be holding back your progress or help you achieve your goals.

One-on-One Guidance

Your instructor can determine areas that need work and assign you exercises that directly impact your dance skills. This lets you focus on details that apply specifically to you. Sometimes the movement and technique can be explained in various ways. We will find the one that helps you specifically understand what are you missing and what you need to be working on. We will give you the advice that will actually help you progress.

Get ready for the Milonga

You may not realize it fully but going to actual Milonga poses certain challenges for both Followers and Leaders. Practica is like baby-Milonga. You can make a thousand mistakes and faux-pas (that stand for: an embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation) and you will be totally forgiven. Better yet - the help will be extended to you, no questions asked. Milonga though - that’s a different story. So - not to risk you Tanguero/a image - star with Practica and we promise we will hold your hand! Very tight!

Expert Assessment

It is an overall tendency that we need to achieve everything right now. Mastering dance takes time and it is often the case that one doesn’t even know what his/her body knows. We will dance with you, listen to your body and also to your words, and help you decide which level and which classes will be most beneficial to you.

Safe Environment

Practicas offer a safe environment to immediately implement, try out, and practice all the novelties that you are learning during classes. No need to follow codigos, (though with time you will learn to like and appreciate them). You can ask a person of any level to practice with you. They will help you, just as someone helped them. Feel free to approach any instructor and ask any questions you didn’t have a chance to ask during classes.

Take a class

There is a Short Sequences class in parallel to the Practica. We strongly advise you to take that class. If not for inspiration then for social reasons. Tango is about recognizing other people's presence and cultivating it. It is hard to do when you do not know anybody, as the only person you are focusing on - is YOU. And that puts that unwanted pressure on you. So - take the class, socialize, enrich your vocabulary and let the Instructors see you and help you!

Recordings from classes

There are recordings from the last 2 years of classes available on-demand. Check it out HERE. You will find all possible variations with entradas, back sacadas, barridas and arrastres, cortes y quebradas, changes of directios, boleos, ganchos, colagadas, volcadas and all other chichas y limonadas