Pranayama and Sound


Pranayama is a powerful yet simple way to quiet the mind, increase life force and bring more awareness.

"Man (or human!) know thyself; then though shalt know the universe and gods" said Pythagoras.

Join me for this weekly class which brings together yogic breath work, meditation and sound healing to improve focus, clarity and energy flow as well as serving to calm your nervous system, bring balance and create an enlivened sense of peace to your entire being.

The breath is an amazing connector between the unconscious and conscious, the body and the mind and the inner and the outer worlds. Because of that, we can utilize it to influence the more subtle aspects of our physical, mental and emotional bodies thus helping us connect to our inner wisdom and creating change at a deep level.

Empowering oneself from within is just that ... powerful.

Sound seals in the practice with a long sound healing shavasana with drums, gongs, crystal and Tibetan bowls, flute and more.

By Donation $10-$20 recommended

Registration options

In person class

Online class

Please text or email Paula with any questions.
