Preparing for Change: The Need for Discernment


Issues of truth and knowledge have become convoluted. This webinar is focused on teaching tools for responding in balance to a rapidly changing world. Attendees will learn ways for increasing “Flexibility of Mind,” and develop an ethical, compassionate, and wise map for living in changing times.

At a time, issues of truth and knowledge have become convoluted, in this webinar we discuss deep knowing and practices for refining and deepening self-knowledge leading to deepening discernment. This webinar is focused on teaching tools for responding in balance to a rapidly changing world. Attendees will learn ways for increasing “Flexibility of Mind,” and develop an ethical, compassionate, and wise map for living in changing times.

With Aisha Rafea, Egyptian;Tenzin Dhardon Sharling, Tibetan; and Sharon Mijares, U.S.

There is no cost for the Webinar, but we encourage donations to either the United Nations Refugee fund or World Central Kitchens.


World Central Kitchens

Presenter Bios:

Aisha Rafea is a writer/researcher in Spirituality, and one of the founders of the non-profit Ain Foundation: Between Soul and Soil,, which is dedicated for spreading Self-awareness among Egyptians with focus on the less privileged children, youth, and adults. She is the designer of Be Yourself programs, which focuses on supporting people to activate their multi-dimensional potentials so as to become more capable of turning life challenges into means for GROWTH on all levels. Aisha is the sister and disciple of Master Ali Rafea from whom she learnt that the more humans are trained to dig into their deepest potentials and express them in genuine works of love and service, the more they gain harmony within and without.” She is the daughter of Rafea Muhammad Rafea, the spiritual and Sufi leader. Aisha is co-author of “One Humanity One Home: Journeys of Spiritual Seekers”; “Divine Revelation and Human Interpretations”; “Beyond Diversities: Reflections on Revelation”; “Islam From Adam to Muhammad and Beyond”. She presented several papers in Islamic Spirituality to international conferences in USA, Britain, Spain, Malysia, Turkey, and Egypt. She wrote more then 15 self-development stories for children published by Nahdet Masr Publishing House. She also wrote Parenting: Connection, Cooperation, Joy, a book (in Arabic) for conscious parenting, and more several books on Islamic Spirituality. Aisha worked for diverse Egyptian, Arab and International mass media before being dedicated to be a spiritual activist.

Tenzin Dhardon Sharling is an educator, scholar, feminist, and a former Tibetan political personality associated with the Tibetan government in exile, India. She serves as the Communications Chair and a Board Member for Association of Anthropology of Consciousness (AOC), a section of the American Anthropological Association (AAA). She is one of the authors of The Power of the Feminine: Facing Shadow Evoking Light (2021) and has been published as a contributing author for A Force Such as the World Has Never Known: Women Creating Change (2013). Currently a PhD candidate at the Department of Communication, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Dhardon’s scholarship of praxis draws upon the Dalai Lama’s interdisciplinary approach to promoting human values and employs a critical feminist lens to study the intersection of human consciousness and communication in an intercultural context oriented towards human, climate, and planetary well-being. Dhardon teaches Public Speaking and Writing as Communication at Umass. She has recently completed a graduate certificate in feminist studies from Umass.

Dr. Sharon G. Mijares is a psychologist and lead faculty at the California Institute for Human Science. She is a practicing psychotherapist with a focus on psychspiritual growth. She is a professor at National University and the University of Massachusetts Global. Sharon authored and co-authored seven books focused on psychological and spiritual development, including The revelation of the breath: A tribute to its wisdom, power, and beauty, published in (2009. Her 2013 edited book, A Force Such As the World Has Never Known: Women Creating Change, brings women together from many cultures, and many areas of work . Her 7th book, The Power of the Feminine: Facing Shadow/Evoking Light, co-authored with an Egyptian Sufi leader, a Tibetan feminist, an environmentalist from Ghana, and a U.S. professor. Sharon has presented workshops in Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, India, Mexico, Scotland, Uganda, United States and Venezuela. She is a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother living in Silver City, NM. See