Progress Review Round (2) Period Aug/Sep 2022 LSBU Apprentices- Rosie Baber


Dear students,

It would be great to meet and talk about your progress at work. Please book as soon as possible, using your LSBU email ONLY.

Once you have booked your slot, I will send you the Progress Review Info Sheet which both you and your employer must complete and return to me prior to the meeting. This is to ensure that the meeting is productive and within the scheduled time.

Could you also double check with your line manager whether they have signed the last progress review(s) on OneFile? They can only sign it once you have signed it. If this is your first review, please skip this step.

If you wish a OneFile 1-to-1 with, please do contact Katrin directly via email ( to arrange a personal OneFile training session.

Please email me if you have any queries.

I look forward to meeting with you.

All the best,
