Project Specific Personalised Data Ethics Facilitated Workshop


Are you unsure about how to apply actionable data ethics principles into your data-driven project or work?

Are you reluctant to pay extortionate prices to a data ethics consultant?

Are you looking for a personalised service that gives you the time of day you deserve?

Look no further! Book yourself and your team on to this bespoke and personalised data ethics facilitated session to give you and your team the confidence in making the right choices for the right reasons.

What this package includes:

- Personalised pre-reading for you and your team to get the most out of the session

- Up to 1.5 hour facilitated online workshop with a data ethics professional who will mentor and guide through the data ethics risks, benefits and relevant mitigating strategies

- Event can be hosted on platform of your choice (MS Teams, Zoom, etc)

- A comprehensive aftercare report with tailored guidance, recommendations and useful resources, that can be used for accountability and proof of due diligence

- Follow up sessions or advice if required