
Miami, it's time to get moving and awaken the senses!

Query is a creative initiative exploring theoretical approaches to movement, and physical tasks that facilitate self-discovery.

In this class, we will explore ways to access free-flowing movement modes, and pathways to unlock forms of expression through dance. The class is designed in an open improvisation format, where each dancer will be pursuing their own movement exploration, guided by abstract concepts and imagery. We will research concepts like line, volume, weight, pressure and space.

This will be a free biweekly (Wednesdays and Saturdays of August) movement class led by Aeon De La Cruz, open to all body types, ages, genders and abilities! Welcome to "dancers" and "non-dancers" alike.

(This is a safe space and we will all be considered dancers with no judgement of experience level! Just bring yourself!)

This workshop series is sponsored by Pioneer Winter Collective!