Reclaim Your Energy - Newport News


Do you feel depleted, exhausted, constantly running on E? Are you wondering where the hell your energy went? When was the last time you took time for you, guilt-free? What would you be able to accomplish with less chaos, better balance, more energy, and stronger alignment?

Free Live 3-Day Workshop (via Zoom)

This workshop is designed to help the spiritually-curious woman over 40 reclaim her energy so she can move from "surviving" to thriving.

In this workshop you will learn about

  • the Human Design energy centers: understanding defined vs undefined & how they affect you
  • the Chakra energy centers: recognizing blocks & the tools to help you restore balance
  • the energy of nutrition & movement: creating a healthy environment to maintain reclaimed energy

EN*ER*GY: the capacity to do work

Let's reclaim your energy!

Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be moved from one form to another (1st law of thermodynamics)