Red Culebra: Let Us Speak Frog


About the Performance

Let Us Speak Frog is an experimental music and multi-media performance. Responding to the Holocene extinction—the ongoing extinction event caused by human activity—electronic synthesizer duo Red Culebra uses generative composition to speak non-human languages and explore imagined ecologies. At this event, Red Culebra premieres their two-hour durational performance during which audiences will witness two musicians transform themselves, via sound, into flying snakes. Inspired by Indigenous mythologies and storytelling traditions, they enter alternative realms of space and time as they visit frogs throughout the world and attempt to apologize for human destruction. Let Us Speak Frog also features live dance and immersive animation.

Cover image courtesy of Red Culebra.

Health & Safety

Our highest priority is to ensure that your visit is safe, comfortable, and inspiring. Face coverings are required for all visitors age two and older while in the building.

Box Office

Advance and Walk-Up Tickets

The box office opens 60 minutes prior to the event’s published start time for Will Call and walk-up sales. Doors open for seating 30 minutes prior to start time. The box office remains open for 15 minutes after the event has started. If available, walk-up tickets are sold at the General Admission price.


All seats are general admission and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Ticket holders should arrive 10 minutes prior to showtime to be guaranteed a seat.

Sold-out Events

In the case of sold-out events, a standby line will form for those without advance tickets. Standby tickets will be released on a first-come basis depending on how many seats are available after ticket holders are admitted.

All sales are final. Programs are subject to change without notice. Refunds may be offered in the rare case of program cancellations.

Contact Us

(415) 580-7605

@mcevoyarts (Instagram / Facebook / Twitter)