Reducing Stress and Anxiety Meditation - For Junior Working Professionals


Are you a junior workaholic, with no time for self evaluation and the practicing of self-awareness? Are you feeling more and more tired as days go by, with an increase in anxiety due to meeting work deadlines? I started my career in the high-stress world of Media in London and resonate with these feelings and concerns. I now implement regular practices of meditation to help combat any feelings of stress or anxiety and as a result I have never felt more fulfilled, focused and healthy.

Never Mind presents a daily stress and anxiety reduction meditation practice to be executed on a consistant basis, to start your day off in the best way possible.

After 1 week of a dedicated undertaking of the practices you will feel more aware, focused and have a reduced feeling of stress and anxiety.

After 1 month of a dedicated undertaking of the practices you will feel more present in every passing moment, become more self aware of your deeper feelings, feel like a more confident version of yourself, be significantly happier on a day-to-day basis and have a significantly reduced feeling of stress and anxiety.

After 3 months of a dedicated undertaking of the practices you will feel like the best version of yourself that you have ever felt, you will feel your attention drift toward your breath and it becomes an anchor that keeps you calm through frustrating events. The practice will also allow you to reshape behaviour, change brain composition and permanently boost your ability to regulate emotions.

Shawn Mendes, Iman Ghadzi, Jerry Seinfeld, Joe Rogan, Bill Gates are just a few of the highly successful people to implement a daily form of meditation into their lives and attribute a large amount of their success to the practice. Give it a try today, for the price of your morning coffee and reap the rewards of personal and mental wellbeing.