Reignite Your Healing Truth - First Degree Reiki Training


Learn the fundamental healing practice of Reiki with confidence, inspiration, and skill in how to give and receive Reiki with your hands in a specific proven way on self and others; including plants and animals.

Join this simple yet comprehensive First Degree Reiki Training. Enrich your life with self practice and become a student of Reiki. Jenna Keck is an experienced Reiki Alliance Reiki Master honoring, practicing, and teaching the lineage of Usui Shiki Ryoho- Usui, Hayashi, Takata, Furumoto, and Reindl in oral tradition.

A weekend Reiki training is designed for those who seek an experiential in person class for ease of learning and integrating into your daily life. Group trainings are kept small and intimate to allow for personal attention and mentoring for personal and professional development. You will be part of a gathering that will work together and support each other on a Reiki path, while building friendship, connection, and community.

If you are ready to begin your Reiki practice for self and/or are inspired to share your love of Reiki to inspire and serve others, there are more opportunities to share Reiki than ever!

It is mutually rewarding and deeply beneficial for all involved. Space is limited. Advanced registration is required, save the dates, and contact for more questions 408-621-4102, or