Rent To Serviced Accommodation Summit


Is this summit for you? Help get you out of the cost of living crisis. Capitalise on the staycation boom using Rent to Serviced Accommodation (R2SA) and achieve your financial goals in months instead of years.

Are you looking to get one foot on the property ladder but don’t know where to start? Are you already a property investor looking to take your business to the next level? Would you love to be certain in knowing you have a secure, fruitful pension growing every year and a nest egg to leave to your family? Do you want to feel relaxed, confident and happy with your life?

What you will discover: Come and learn from an expert property investor who doesn’t just teach, but practices what he preaches... Join Kevin Poneskis to learn everything you need to know about the hottest strategy of 2022 and how you can make BIG MONEY with LOW start up costs and FAST setup time.