Resolving Conflict and Triggers Through Inner Healing Prayer - Lexington


We all long for deep, meaningful, connections that fill our lives with warmth, belonging and purpose. And yet we struggle to see these needs fulfilled. We need a depth and a breadth of relationships to give us hope for life, a future, and happiness because a life without love is hardly worth living. Yet it is an everyday reality for many of us.

We all have relationships that we need, but just don’t work:

Maybe it's your dad. You have always wanted to hear him say “I am so proud of you.” Yet you never could earn that affirmation.

Maybe it’s your spouse. You married thinking that would mean that you would never feel alone again. And yet, if you are honest, you feel more alone now than you ever have.

Maybe it's your kids. You love them so deeply, yet you feel used by them. They take everything they want and give you little in return.

Maybe it’s your friends. You want to find a community, people who will love you and accept you yet everyone is so busy. What is clear is that you just aren’t their priority, like they are your priority.

What have you done to try to close this gap?

Have you read books hoping to find a silver bullet that will alleviate your pain?

Have you gone to counseling or therapy, hoping that a professional can give you the tool?.

Have you gone looking for new relationships and new people hoping that the same old pattern will not crop up this time?

Have you solved the problem yet?

I have.

I discovered the wounds that were driving my problematic behaviors, emotional triggers and self sabotage. I have identified what is keeping me from the relationships that I long for.

I have spent the past 20 years received inner healing and it has transformed the way in which I see myself, others and the world so that my life is full of the relationships that I long for.

Not that I am all better, but when problems arise I have the tools to identify the issues and address them as they come.

Don’t believe me? Would it be worth 90 minutes of your time to find out if you could experience the same transformation I have?

Join us for a free seminar and discover the tools you need for the relationships you long for.

What Is Inner Healing Prayer?

Let’s face it, God doesn’t feel as present in our lives as we wish He would.

But what if that separation wasn’t a statement of what God wanted, but of the reality that we have a hard time hearing him?

Would that change the way you feel?

It turns out that it is not the events in our lives that hurt us, but what we take those events to mean. Inner Healing Prayer is a form of listening prayer where we ask God questions and listen for the answers so that we can have a conversation with him around the traumatic events of our lives.

In this conversation we allow God to correct what we think, feel and believe is true because we all have lies that we believe. It is the lies that we hold to be true that cause the emotional pain that we suffer. Our interpretations create the trauma, not the events themselves.

Inner Healing Prayer allows God to reframe what we have come to believe about God, ourselves, and others in a way that brings us peace and ultimately transforms our behavior.

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