Retro- Intention to Change Your Past and Improve Your Present with Hypnosis


In hypnotherapy we can reprogram the mind by communicating new ideas, reframing old patterns and beliefs and changing habits for better. But we can also time travel in hypnosis, across all directions!

We are used to a world of cause and effect, of order, of certain laws and limits. Things are not supposed to go backward or forward in time. Nevertheless, physicists no longer consider retro-causation impossible with the laws of the universe. More than 100 articles in the scientific literature suggest ways in which laws of physics can account for setting changes in space-time.

And this is all possible in your mind, in deep state of relaxation.

Imagine, traveling into your past with your eyes closed and holding your past self by the hand and telling this younger version of you - what they need to know and what didn't know better at the time. Imagine you can thank them for being brave and telling them they are safe and it's not their fault for something ( unfair) that happened? Maybe you could even remove them from a specific situation and place them into a new space. You can choose any new script and reaffirm right from the past something life giving instead.

Healing and transformation can begin from the past. Maybe you will let go of old and nagging grief and resentment, shame or guilt, disappointment and disbelief in yourself. The result could be astounding and may surprise you in ways you have not imagined.

I want to invite you to a 75- minute meditation and workshop to travel back and rehash some key events in your life, providing more insight, wisdom and healing. And activating change right into your present.

What will happen during the workshop:

  • mini talk on physics and time travel
  • time travel into your past in group hypnosis session
  • share your findings and discoveries

We will meet at Villa La Jolla Park, surrounded by the tress and calming nature.

Bring yoga mat and notebook.


About Your Host:

Elena Mosaner is an ICF (International Coach Federation) certified professional coach, NGH (National Guild of Hypnotists) Certified Hypnotherapist and book author. She holds a bachelor of science degree in creative writing and film as well as a master of science degree in executive coaching and organizational behavior. Throughout the last 20 years, she has worked with celebrities and professional athletes and high-level executives and she has helped more than 1,000 people transform into their best version using hypnosis therapy and coaching. She was featured by the NY Times, NY Post and ABC GMA as one of the top NYC hypnotherapists. She is a founder of HypnoCloud online platform and author of "1001 Affirmations to Level Up Your Life."