Revive: Filling our Lamps for the Final Hour


Is the present day church ready for the Return of Christ? Will Jesus find faith on the earth, especially from His people on the Day of the Lord? Will we respond in faith or in fear when the End-Time events begin to unfold? These are some of the questions we need to confront and have clarity on as we begin to see world changing events happen before our eyes.

How do we make sense of all these things, and what does the Bible have to say about the difficult challenges the nations of the earth will be forced to face?

Biblical Prophecy reveals much of the unfolding events that will take place just prior to Jesus’ Second Coming. Not understanding the biblical narrative and the unfolding events that will take place will cause even many in the Body of Christ to respond in a negative manner. Fear, offense and deception will cause many to be part of the “Great Falling Away” that the Apostle Paul wrote about (2 Thess. 2:2-3; 1 Tim. 4:1-2; 2 Tim. 3:1-5).

But God has a way of preparing His people to walk victoriously in the midst of these most challenging times the world will ever know. We can stand in faith allowing hope and peace to fill our hearts, while empowering us to minister God’s love to a world looking for answers, filled with fear and confusion. This will be the churches greatest hour!

As the Scriptures have prophesied, there will be a people that will understand God‘s plans and ways even in the midst of great shaking and global upheaval (Daniel 11:33; 12:4-5, 9-10; 1 Thess. 5:1-5; 2 Thess. 2:1-2). This promise of prophetic insight into God’s ways manifesting in the last days will help us to see and understand God‘s redemptive plan for His people and the eventual restoration of the entire earth as Jesus will rule and reign in our midst.

Our prayer is that our time together will help us to have a Spirit a Revelation, Knowledge and Understanding, into the ways of God and prepare us to be His Vessels and Messengers that He can use to prepare many for the coming days.


Mike Bickle - International House of Prayer

David Sliker - International House of Prayer

Carlos Sarmeinto - Orlando House of Prayer

Revive: Filling our Lamps for the Final Hour image
Revive: Filling our Lamps for the Final Hour image
Revive: Filling our Lamps for the Final Hour image