Roosevelt Row Fall 2022 Saturday Night A.R.T.S. Market


You are invited to vend at an open air arts market that takes place on Saturday evenings in the heart of Roosevelt Row.

This market is open to all creative small businesses regardless of skill level. Vintage Clothes, Music, and Videogames are accepted as long as you present it in a tasteful and creative manner. We reserve the right to expel any vendors who we feel might be misrepresenting their involvement in the creation of their products. Absolutely no Multi-Level Marketing allowed.

Set up time is 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. You may pack up and leave no earlier than 10:00pm and no later than Midnight. Please do not block access to other vendors with your vehicle during set up times. It is important that you unload your gear and find parking. Similarly, we ask that you pack up your booth before you bring your car to load your gear. This greatly reduces the time needed to set up and break down the market and helps everyone have a better day!

Space is limited. Please do not attempt to set up unless you have reserved a spot through this listing.

Electricity is provided as this is a night market. We ask that you bring an extension chord or chords as needed, a splitter to connect to your neighbors, as well as energy efficient lightbulbs to highlight your products.

We have a private restroom available to vendors and vendor staff ONLY which is accessible on the west side parking lot of the Welcome Center.

This market is run by fellow artist vendor volunteers who are more than happy to guide you to a space within your zone and answer any questions you might have.

We hope to see you there!

Roosevelt Row Fall 2022 Saturday Night A.R.T.S. Market image