
Do you have a desire to soften into your feminine essence with other women who can celebrate, support, and honor you? Do you have a curiosity about Tantra, sacred sexuality, and embodiment? Do you want to return to the throne of your body and claim the love, prosperity, and worthiness that you desire and deserve?

Join us, Holly Turiya + Natalie Adele (The Tantra Twins) for The Royal Road Pleasure Path to reclaim the three feminine superpowers to manifesting desires:

🌙 Harmony (aligning you desires to the lunar rhythms)

🔮 Intention (aligning your desires to your truth)

🌹 Embodiment (aligning your desires to your body)

Each month we'll play with a theme such as embodying worthiness, pleasure, or power that aligns with the astrology of that lunar cycle.

We'll meet on the New Moon to work with the shadow to set intentions, and we'll meet on the Full Moon to play with the light to celebrate and release.

Each ceremony, we'll share Tantric + Taoist embodiment practices to guide you to drop deeply into your feminine essence. Tantra is known as the Royal Road, because these ancient teachings used to only be available to the royal court. Now we're blessed to have access to these empowering tools to become fully alive, radiant, and liberated!

Each ceremony, we'll also drop into Shamanic ritual and sharing prompts together to make magic around setting clear intentions, celebrations, and clearings for the month ahead that align with the theme we're embodying.

The container will be held at Holly's house in Nosara Springs, and is an intimate space of 10 women. The ceremony is from 4-6pm. Please arrive on time so we can create a safe, strong container to play in!

Meet Your Guides

👑 Holly Turiya I'm a Tantric Sex, Love & Intimacy Coach, and empower women to liberate love, declare desires, and prioritize pleasure through the embodiment of their sexual energy. Check out my podcast, TantraTV, books and coaching offerings HERE.

👑 Natalie Adele I'm a Kundalini Teacher + Embodiment Guide for digital nomads. I teach ancient wisdom for modern times. Check out my mentorships offerings and other offerings HERE.

Join our Nosara Tantra Whatsapp group HERE

Ticket sales are nonrefundable, however are transferable to another person if you're unable to attend. Please email to let us know who you'd like to gift your ticket to.