Sacral Chakra and Womb Healing


Sweet sisters, you are invited to connect, clear, and heal your sacral chakra and womb space with me on Monday, February 28th. To clear up any misconceptions; your womb is NOT just an organ, it is the container of energy in that specific space. If you've had surgeries or a hysterectomy, you still have a sacred, magical womb.

Your womb is your creative center and connects you to your divine feminine inner self. Your womb is also where you can hold a lot of stored emotions; your own and the emotions of others. (Including past lovers, eek.)

Regular womb and sacral work/cleansing are much-needed maintenance for the woman. Womb healing allows us to clear out emotional blockages and helps us to feel more connected to self, feel happier, and experience more flow in our lives.

During this workshop, we will be using meditation techniques to awaken and heal the womb. We will incorporate crystals to invite even more healing energy to obtain a higher level of clearing and healing during our practice if you have any of your favorite crystals at home.

Please have:

Your favorite crystals if you like


A pillow (we will be on the floor)

Pen and paper

Wear comfortable clothing and socks

If your spirit is feeling called to join me, say YES to your spot by using the link below!

This one-hour workshop with me is $7.77!

First, because 7 is my favorite number. 7 is all over my home (lol).

Secondly, I feel healing should be as affordable as possible.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns soul sisters!!