Save Time, Money and Your Sanity with a Weekly Meal Plan in 5 Easy Steps


Are you a mom of young kids or teens? Does figuring out what's for dinner every night totally STRESS YOU OUT?!?! Do you have a to-do list that’s miles long and you feel like you’ll never get it all done? Are you just surviving the dreaded dinner hours and waiting until it’s all over so you fee like you can finally breathe again? Only to do it all again the next day?

If you answered yes to any of the above, I want to help you let go of that stress so you can be prepared with a meal plan that supports your busy family life!

While many of us moms love the idea of nurturing our families with a healthy home cooked meal; figuring out what to make and getting that dinner on the table can be an extremely stressful event. But it doesn't have to be that way! A little extra prep in advance and realistic plan that fits your families lifestyle can make a world of difference.

I know you may be thinking: “I don’t have time for this! I have too much to do!” But investing this time to learn how to meal plan in and investment in yourself. Learning how to plan and consistently using this life changing tool will give you back so many hours that would otherwise be spent during the week worrying about whats for dinner. My 5 step meal plan process will help you lower your stress level, save you time, save you energy, save you money and above all else SAVE YOUR SANITY!

During this Zoom class you'll learn how to:

  • receive a free printable pdf meal plan weekly planner and shopping list
  • create a 1 week meal plan full of dinner ideas that work for your schedule
  • have a shopping list consisting of only the items you will use for the week
  • leave feeling confident that you are in control of your time and family meals
  • identify 1 thing that you are going to start to do for yourself now that you have freed up mental space and time in your calendar by creating a meal plan!!

Come together as a community of women and mothers who are ready to stop stressing about dinner time. Make dinner time easy and dare I say enjoyable??

In addition, all registered participants will receive an optional one-on-one, 45 minute session to explore other changes they would like to implement to start creating more time for themselves each day.

Erin Simek is a working mom of 3, an expert in self care and supporting other moms in making time for themselves. She brings 10 years of her own experiences, including raising 3 young children with her husband, specials needs parenting of a child with Down syndrome, and working outside of the home all while navigating through finding herself again in her motherhood. She is passionate about helping moms reconnect with themselves through consistent self care so that they feel better and more balanced without the guilt.

Save Time, Money and Your Sanity with a Weekly Meal Plan in 5 Easy Steps image