Sensual Aura -Atlanta



The purpose of the sensual dance is to release negative energy onto the dance floor with the goal of cardio work and creating positive feminine energy. It's more than twerking it's a holistic workout.

Beginner class with a mixture of afrobeats, hip hop and r&b sensual dance routines.

Ladies come ready to channel your sexiness and have fun.

Dress in sexy attire that is most comfortable to you

Bring a Towel because you may get hot and sweaty from burning calories.

If you are ready to learn how to stretch, tone and strengthen your sensuality SIGN UP NOW.


By attending the event, you consent to being photographed, filmed and/or otherwise recorded, and to any use, in any and all media, throughout the universe in perpetuity, of my name, voice, image and likeness, for any purpose whatsoever, without compensation, and you hereby release Sensual Aura LLC, its parent, successors, assigns and licensees from liability on account of such usage.

Sensual Aura -Atlanta image