September 2022 Kundalini Yoga Classes


September is retrograde season this year, the invitation to go deeply within and connect with your heart. From 10 September, we will have Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Chiron and Pluto in retrograde until the beginning of October. While it can feel a bit frustrating as we live in a world that encourages us to be in action and go mode all the time. This is a beautiful opportunity to truly pause, listen to your soul's wisdom, and connect with your body during this yin phase. Pausing and integrating are as important as taking the steps forward.

I find my Kundalini yoga practice an excellent way to consciously work with the energy and allow the energy to move through the body. Using the postures, breath and sound currents, we can release what needs to be released and integrate it in a healthy balanced manner. We empower ourselves to navigate these times with grace, compassion, wisdom and strength.

During our classes, we will work with the astrology energy; I will guide you through a kriya and meditation.

Dates & Astrology Energy:

12 September - Full moon in Pisces Class

19 September - Equinox Class

26 September - New Moon in Libra Class

The classes typically range from 90 mins to 2 hours depending on how it flows; there is an opportunity before or after the class to chat with me or share with the group.