Setting your Intention for 2022: Make better goals by creating clarity


You might be asking, "what the heck is an Intention for 2022? It sounds kind of woo woo." Well, it's actually really straight forward.

An Intention is your overarching personal statement for the year ahead. Think of it as your own theme or slogan for 2022.

Most people set personal goals each year but they struggle to achieve those goals. Why?

It's because you haven't connected those goals back to your personal purpose for the year. Personal goals that are created without a purpose will be all over the place and not connect back to your own WHY.

By having an Intention for 2022 you can now set goals that are aligned with your mission statement for the year. Your goals connect back to your Intention and provide you clarity on what you want to achieve.

And the best part? The quality of your personal goals and the success rate of achieving those goals skyrocket when you set your personal Intention.


Join me in this 2 hour workshop where I will guide you through a framework that details how to design your personal Intention for 2022.

It's going to be energetic and intentional! You'll have an opportunity to reflect, find clarity, and to get inspired for the year ahead. Bring a pen and paper.

You will walk away with tools and a roadmap on how to evaluate and refine your intentions and how to use your intentions to set better personal goals.

See you there!
