SF: Kink Class Incubator!


DISCLAIMER: Proof of vaccination is required for entry to this event. Physical vaccination card (or a picture of the card) and a photo ID must be presented at the door. Masks must be worn at all times by attendees.

Thinking all the time about that perfect class you'd like to teach?

Hearing from your friends that there's a hunger for what you know?

But you're not sure where to start?

In this class, you'll learn what you need to get a basic start teaching in kink, polyamory, fetish, magick -- or any other peer-taught subject. Of course, we'd be delighted if you plan to teach at the Annex (and we'll refund your class fee if you do!), but our goal is to create great teachers who can teach anywhere.

In this workshop, you will learn to:

- Refine and sharpen your core message

- Figure how what you really want to say -- what only you can

- Differentiate your class based on your experience and knowledge

- Market your class in ways that really work

- Include your students, and learn as you teach

- Give a class that makes a difference

- Engage your audience and build your fans


Miriam Green has been in the public kink scene for over one dozen years in the Austin, Houston and San Francisco scenes. They teach a series of KINK 101 classes on the SF kink community, BDSM negotiations and dating while kinky. They also are the owner of Wicked Grounds, San Francisco's first and only kink cafe & boutique.

More relevant to this class, Mir spent well over a dozen years as a marketing and branding consultant for both boutique and Fortune 500 companies in addition to over a dozen years teaching for small workshops and large conferences, and can bring those skills toward developing the class outline, presentation skills and marketing pitches you need for the best success.


Tickets: $15 - $35 in advance through Eventbrite until the start of class. Please pay at the level you can comfortably afford.

We offer a sliding scale, so that cost is not a barrier to attendance.

The regular ticket is $25. This is what most people should pay.

The $15 ticket is offered for those for whom the $25 ticket would be a barrier to participation. If $25 is too much, we take your word for it! Just pay $15.

Have a great salary? Feeling generous? Paying at the $35 level allows us to make the discounted ticketing available to others who need it.

So - that's it! Choose the level you can comfortably afford.

All attendees will receive a $25 credit toward teaching a future class at Wicked Grounds Annex if they choose to book here!


Proof of vaccination is required for entry to this event. Physical vaccination card (or a picture of the card) and a photo ID must be presented at the door. Masks must be worn at all times by attendees.

The class will be taught out of the Wicked Grounds Annex. Stairs at the front door are the only means of ingress and egress to the space.