
shamanic power animal drumming circle image

We got this teaching from scholar Michael Harner. At his shaman's death, everybody don’t know what to do after he left, he just said, go ask your spirit animal. Shamanic tradition and the power of 7 directions. We open the portal and talk to our power animals in the lower world.

Shamanic tradition teaches that there is a powerful, natural force that runs through all living things. This life force can be harnessed and directed to promote healing, growth, and transformation. One way to tap into this power is through drumming. Drumming creates a steady beat that helps to loosen the logical mind and connect with the body's natural rhythms. In a drumming circle, people come together to drum and connect with their power animals. The drumbeat carries us to the lower world, where the power animals live. Through drumming, we can receive their guidance and wisdom, bathing is their pure light. Shamanic tradition also teaches that there are seven directions: north, south, east, west, above, below, and within. Each direction has its own energy and spirit. When we drum in a circle, we open ourselves up to the energies of all seven directions in a protective way. This helps us to balance our own energy and connect with the larger community of all beings. The next time you feel lost or uncertain, try drumming for guidance by hopping on the unknown lower world adventure. You may be surprised at what you discover about yourself and the world around you.