Silent Yoga Novotel | Seed-ing Wellness


The idea was created on the insight that when we do allow ourselves to listen more deeply to music, we are in essence listening more deeply to ourselves, in particular, to those parts of ourselves that we may not always see, acknowledge and accept.

The concept of silent events was used by activists in the 1990s by using headphones at outdoor events to minimize noise pollution and disturbance of wildlife.

How does it work?

Music is sent through radio transmitters and participants receive it through headset receivers wireless.

Why practice this way?

Yoga helps us to be actively connected to our inner body, while the headphones help us get rid of external sound distractions and thus be able to use our visual senses deeper.

The session is organized in the installations of Novotel Barcelona City where you can enjoy a panoramic view of Barcelona from their rooftop while getting your dose of yoga.

The class is adapted to all levels and it's influenced by the Ashtanga style. We're thrilled to dive deeper into this immersive experience with you!

Find out more about us on our website, we'd love to hear from you! You can also follow us on Instagram to be tuned for all upcoming events!