Simply Roses


Thomas Stone is a current head gardener, Garden Consultant, Blogger and Speaker. He has been a professional gardener since 1989, with his training at Mottisfont Abbey Gardens. Over his career he has build a love for roses and developed a common sense ideas around growing them

The talk will cover rose growing from idenifying some of the basic types of roses, ideas on selecting roses for the garden, how to look after them from planting, aftercare, pests and diseases and pruning and training them. basically all you need to know about growing roses and looking after them. The talk will give you pratical and thoughtful reasons behind the way Thomas treats the roses

This talk is in two halves and will be spilt by tea and coffee and cake baked by Thomas and his Children. We are hoping there will be a raffle and a few other items happening too!

This is being held as part of Thomas’s idea of raising £5000 for different charities over this, his 50th year. All event are based around Thomas’s interests and passions

All profits from this talk are going to The Charity supporting and advising those within the Horticulture Trades for 180Years