Sisters Soaring


Are you looking for a tribe, a sisterhood, a place to call home?

Does the thought of what's next excite you or scare you... even just a little?

Do you hide your light because it would come with a warning for others to wear sunglasses?

IF you are interested in being with like-hearted women as well as 'like-minded'...

IF your next step feels right around the corner but you're not fully sure what it is...

IF sisterhood is a new concept or a tried and true one...

IF you are intrigued by a nurturing event with a 'healthy reality check' component...

Then it's time to Soar together.

Our Presenters will inspire and surprise you! Our sound and movement talent will raise your vibration. Our sisterhood is warm and friendly and embracing. And we always honor where each one is on her journey.

Psssst...go to our website and send me a message to claim your code to save $111.

Who We Are

Our creative manifestations emanate the magic and synergy of ripple and receive.

Our teachers are in front of us, beside us and behind us. We no longer conform to a script that limits us or try to fit in a box we've outgrown.

We honor others by supporting strength rather than playing into our own weaknesses.

We hold sacred meaningful connections by our willingness to be intimate and vulnerable with one another.

Because we practice discernment in our topics and patterns in communication we enjoy juicy, enlivening interactions.

Our spirit delights in the feel of the earth upon our feet and the wind in our hair as we allow the mind to quiet and the heart to feel.

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