Situational Awareness Self Defense/Knife Defense Course


Knowing what is happening around you and defend your self against a knife attack are skills to have just in case you find yourself in a situation.

Situational awareness in self defense is knowing what is happening around you, your environment and what events are occurring nearby. Learning skills on how to defend yourself against any attack including when someone uses a knife, is important to know as you fight to stay alive should you ever find yourself in a situation.

Be prepared for hands on learning and wear comfortable clothing.

Course will include a reference book, self defense equipment and a choice of pocket knife.

Refund policy - No refunds except for extenuating circumstance (deployment, birth of a child etc.). Please understand that when you purchase a class from us, you have taken away the ability for us to fill that seat. We only teach a limited number of people, so that can really hurt us. Rescheduling also hurts us, since another seat is then lost to a future student. If something arises, we will authorize you to reschedule the class to another date in the next 3 months. We can only book you into classes that have available seating. We work hard to keep things flowing, but some people have been abusing the system :( . Therefore, "No call - No shows" will forfeit their seat in our course.