Smoothies, Snacks and Salads for Health and Healing


A smoothie isn't healthy just because it is a smoothie. And, a snack isn't good for you just because it only has 100 calories. Salads are healing with their raw whole foods. Join us for a class that focuses on healthy smoothies, snacks and salads- foods that can keep you healthy AND aid in the prevention (or control) of disease and illness. You will learn some of the science that stands behind carbohydrates, protein, and fats and how you can combine them for optimum nutrition. We will make nutrient packed smoothies, learn about the healing powers of the main nutrients within them, and put snacks together that are easy AND balanced for optimum nutrition and satisfaction. As an added bonus, we will discuss what to look for while eating out if you can't make your own snacks and smoothies. Dr. Ellen Chism, Exercise Independence, CEO, USMC Veteran, Trainer and Nutritionist.

Smoothies, Snacks and Salads for Health and Healing image
Smoothies, Snacks and Salads for Health and Healing image