Somatic Movement & Open Floor Dance


Join us for an indoor somatic adventure. Breathe, move with ease, and dance freely. Nourish your mind and body.

$30 per ticket. Limited space.

Somatic Movement- This workshop is targeted to bring oneself back to balance, both physically and emotionally utilizing different movement modalities. Through exploration and playfulness, you will discover new ways to move, increase your awareness of what moves and how it moves, and most importantly, how it makes you feel.

Open Floor is a resource based movement and dance meditation practice. There are no steps to learn and no way to do it wrong. No previous experience is necessary. On the dance floor we build muscular and emotional intelligence. Each class holds free form dance and facilitated inquiry based exercise. We move and include everything. You can bring your good days and bad days, joy and sorrow, passion and resistance. All is welcomed.

Event instructions:

Please bring a yoga mat, water and dress comfortably.

Masks are optional. Please provide proof of vaccination at the door.

Plan to arrive 15 -20 minutes earlier to find parking and say hi.

Visit us on facebook:


Ya'ara Ophir Ben-Tzvi is a Nia instructor and Somatics practitioner, who combines the Mindset tools into her work. She believes that the body is one of the greatest and most accessible tools we have to heal ourselves, physically and emotionally.

Taisiya Kupriyanova will lead us through an open floor dance session. Open Floor uses the universal language of movement as a means of self-discovery and relationship building. The way we move on the dance floor is a mirror of how we move through life.

Somatic Movement & Open Floor Dance image