SORRY WE HAVE TO CANCEL! “Drum It Out” and Drum Making Workshop


Hello VETF Scholars,

VETF Arts and DelArt Museum Presents “Drum It Out” and Drum Making Workshop with Josh Robinson, Saturday, July 30th, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM at the Delaware Art Museum, 2301 Kentmere Parkway, Wilmington, DE 19806.

Using drumming as a tool to teach life and coping skills, Josh provides a positive and creative outlet that acts as a vehicle for self-expression and emotional release in a safe space.

Using a bucket and duct tape we will create a drum to keep practicing what we learn with Josh. Drum sticks will be provided for each participant to also take home!

In the event of rain both activities will be indoors, we will move the first portion to the Museum’s Auditorium and start promptly at 1:00pm, please arrive by 12:45 PM.

Scholars will leave with a drum that they will make and a set of drum sticks. Parents can enjoy the museum while scholars are in workshop.

Registration is limited to first 25 Students to register by July 2nd.


12:45 Arrival

1:00 – 2:00 Drumming with Josh in the Labyrinth (outdoors, please ask students to bring water to stay hydrated)

2:00 – 2:15 Short break (bathrooms in the Studio wing)

2:15 – 4:00 Drum Making in the Studio (indoors)

Everyone needs a vehicle for healthy self expression and tools for wellness. Josh has done work within a variety of communities to help people gain tools for wellness, communication, creativity, and healthy self-expression.

Have a great Day.

Melissa Talley-Palmer,

VETF Arts Program Coordinator