
Sping22 NY Vision School image

God has a dream; He has a vision. He’s had a plan for this world from the beginning of history, and from that time He’s chosen to use His people to fulfill His purposes. Vision School is a place for believers in Jesus Christ to engage with God in His dream and vision. It is an opportunity to align our thinking, our plans, and our dreams with God’s so that He can use us to make His dream a reality!


Vision School is a 9week training program for those who are interested in learning about God’s heart for the unreached. It consists of worship, lectures, prayer, small groups, and fellowship, and aims to awaken attendees to the reality of God’s purpose and heart for His people and all nations. The weekly lectures impart the Father’s heart for the unreached people group and open students’ eyes to what God is doing all over the world to advance His kingdom.

“Through Vision School, I realized that I had my own agenda to pursue. I wanted to chase after the wonders of the world and flourish with a successful career. But after Vision School, I confessed and repented before the Lord. I want to seek after the will and agenda of God alone. I will turn away from the love of the world with God’s strength and devote my life to Him!”


Anyone who is interested in and/or has desire to discover God’s heart and vision for this world.

“I don’t think I really understood the heart of God, and when I took Vision School, it really changed my heart, and my heart broke for unreached people groups.”


NY Spring Vision School will start on March 19th 11AM and go on for 9 weeks, every Saturday. Anyone is welcome to come this first week. It will be an open lecture.


Current Global Mission Condition / World Mission History / Understanding Islam / Spiritual Warfare & Intercessory Prayer / The Times / 10/40 Window / Mission Spirit… and more. Weekly lectures are given by different missionaries and staff.

“Vision School really changed my entire paradigm of how I saw myself, what it means to live as a Christian, and what it means to live in the times we live in today.”

InterCP International is an overseas mission organization, founded in 1983, whose vision is for frontier pioneering mission among the unreached people groups of the 10/40 Window. The 10/40 window is a region within the Eastern Hemisphere of the world that holds 95% of the world’s most unreached people groups. Right now, more than 90% of all missionaries in the world are preaching the gospel to nations that are already considered “reached”. This great imbalance is the reason why we want to preach to the least of these!

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

-Matthew 24:14

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

-Matthew 28:19-20