Summer Wind Down & Open House


As we approach the end of the summer and The Dock's 1 year anniversary, things tend to get a little bit sad as we dread the end of vacations, flip flops, and carefree days. But don't you worry, The Dock has you covered with our Summer Wind Down & Open House. We want to continue celebrating all the things we love about summer while preparing for the start of Fall.

Join us for an afternoon of music, food, drinks, and treats that represent all things "Summer". The Dock will also be decked out in fun, summer inspired decor that will inspire you for your next special event. Also, enjoy touring The Dock and speaking with venue representatives about hosting your next special event.

This event is perfect for anyone looking to host a celebration, wedding, business event, or just trying to hold on to the summer vibes.

Admission is free but we do ask for a small donation of school supplies or school age clothing. We will provide all donated items to Note in The Pocket, who provide quality clothing to homeless and impoverished children and families with dignity and love.

Vendors Participating

Caterer: Under the Oak Catering

DJ: Stylus S.E.

Dessert: Sweetwater Italian Ices

More vendors to be announced
