Sunday Celebration - Kind, Inclusive, Affirmative, Extraordinary (Hybrid )


Dear Friends,

We have created a nurturing, open-hearted space to support you and your family right here in Chicago -- just across the street from the Village of Oak Park. You may join us in person or live via Zoom. (Log in details and event times are provided below.)

We are Religious Science teaching the Science of Mind-- and we believe an unlimited, all-powerful Spirit resides in each of us. We believe our thoughts create form. We believe that kindness and creativity will change the world. We believe in you and your miracle. Many miracles, in fact. Endless, incredible, outrageously wonderful miracles on a daily basis.

You are here for specific reasons. You are here to fulfill a Divine purpose. Love abounds everywhere -- every second of every day. Let's tap into success and serenity together. Life can feel complicated. We invite you to meet your best self in the simplest of acts. We're here to make your path easy, fun, playful, and unforgettable. We're here to support you in the most authentic and encouraging way possible.

There's so much more to share with you. We think it's said best through our Sunday Celebration's music and lyrics. This is our closing song below. May you find its words to be an opening to a renewed life of courage, strength, freedom, beauty, and dreams fulfilled.

Thank you for reading all this. Thank you for standing taller and reaching higher.

We proudly stand with you.

With Love,

Your Friends at OPCRS

"My Religion Is Kindness" by K. Drucker

My Religion is Kindness. My church is nature.

My God is a feeling that lives deep inside.

My job is to be conscious. My path is forgiveness.

My Religion is Kindness and I practice it everyday.


*Healing Meditation with Practitioner of the Day*

9:45am - 10:10am and 11:30am - 12 noon

*Silent Meditation with Music*

10:15am - 10:30am

*Sunday Celebration*

10:30am - 11:30am

*Sunday Hospitality and Fellowship*

Begins at 11:30am

Our Sunday Celebrations are conducted in person and via Zoom.

The Zoom Meeting Number is: 848 1183 9861

Passcode is 6832. Copy this link to join:

If joining by phone:

+1 312 626 6799

Meeting ID: 848 1183 9861

Passcode: 6832

We can't wait to see you!

Sunday Celebration - Kind, Inclusive, Affirmative, Extraordinary (Hybrid ) image