
We invite you to worship with us. Join us for a limited capacity, in-person worship service.

Registration begins on Thursday August 18, 2022 and closes on Saturday August 20 at 2pm. All services are first-come, first serve, and only registered attendees will be permitted entry.

Registration for all worship services at Antioch is required at this time. Our maximum capacity for each service is 70 in-person attendees. IF, FOR ANY REASON, YOU NEED TO CANCEL, PLEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY AT

As you may be aware, State, City and school guidelines for masks are changing and COVID cases are on the uptick. However, please be aware that Antioch has not changed any of our current health and safety protocols. We are still requiring that masks be properly worn by all parishioners, leaders, staff, volunteers, and visitors when on-site.

Once we have reached capacity, a waitlist will be enabled. If you have a seat reserved and are unable to attend, please cancel your reservation as soon as possible; this will allow others to secure seating.

Again, all attendees must wear a mask and follow social distancing guidelines while attending Worship. If you are not feeling well PLEASE STAY HOME. We also ask that anyone considered to be “at-risk” for COVID-19 infection because of age, physical conditions, or any other reason not attend in-person worship at this time. Each service will continue to be streamed on Sundays at 10:00am on Antioch's Facebook page and will also be available on our conference line at 605-475-4000 access code 167407#.

If you are unable to join us this week, don’t worry! We're getting everything ready to open soon, and we look forward to worshipping with our entire family.

Thank you for your prayers, understanding and cooperation.


Rev. Dr. Shon T. Adkins, Senior Pastor

Sunday Worship Service image