sunset yoga & reiki for healing and inner peace


Release stress and start your week with intention by joining Sunset Yoga for Healing and Inner Peace. We'll begin with a welcome ritual to set your mind and body at ease. Next, I'll guide you through a gentle vinyasa flow. We'll transition into deep stretch, releasing tension and going deeper into our connection with ourselves. Next, you'll be guided into a relaxing meditation, followed by an extended savasana session. Each warrior will receive a gentle massage and personalized Reiki treatment during their time in savasana.

This offering is by donation to ensure yoga can be accessible to all. Donations between $5 and $25 are encouraged, knowing that those who can afford to pay more offset those who can afford a little less. Donations can be made here or on-site in cash or Venmo, @Jessica-Barnes-9.

Participants should bring a yoga mat, water bottle, a journal and anything else they'd like to make themselves comfortable. Free yoga mats available to borrow.

If there is anything I can do to make this offering more accessible or inclusive for you, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Welcome to your Journey with Jess.

sunset yoga & reiki for healing and inner peace image