Survive & Thrive: Life as an Empath Workshop


Did you know there are 12 different types of empaths?

Life as an empath can range from confusing to outright impossible.

Are you easily overwhelmed in stores, meetings or other large gatherings? Can you literally FEEL the mood of a room just by walking by or walking in? Do you have anxiety attacks just thinking about getting out in public?

Welcome to the life of an empath!

Empaths can be bombarded by others thoughts, feelings, pains and stress just by being in proximety to other people. People probably say that your "too sensitive" or "it's all in your head". Good news is, they're wrong!

No one understands the blessing and curse that being empathic is...except another empath.

It can be tough, if not impossible, to find someone to discuss this with and to receive guidance to help you understand and manage these "attacks" you experience.

We have what you need!

Judy Angels light Robertson is a empath and psychic medium who has lived her entire life dealing with the gift and pitfalls of being empathic.

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After a lifetime of finding her way, Judy is ready to share her story, her wisdom and her tips and tricks to enjoy life again as an empath.

She will recommend resources that can help you to navigate your self-discovery to determine what type(s) of empathic gifts you have and how to protect yourself from being dragged under by your triggers so you can comfortably live life on your terms.

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Survive & Thrive: Life as an Empath will meet weekly on Wednesday at 6:30 PM to help you. Come join your "tribe" as you learn about your gifts, put them to use and meet others you can actually talk with about what you have never been able to discuss.

Class is $15 per session.

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Stop avoiding life and start living it again!